Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rising rents at Chennai

The rents in Chennai are rising like never before.
The digital divide has already set in and the people who are working in professions other than IT are finding it very difficult to find a descent place to live in.
The owners of these houses are turning out to be greedy as their demands for the rise in the rents are unreasonable.
Is there any rent control in place and If so what are they doing?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

How to become spiritual

Have you ever wondered, what are you doing in this world?
Do you really see the world as it is or you see it the way you want in to be?
I am one among you who was lost in the world.
Now, there is a big difference in the way I look at the world.
I use to complain about each and everything that I used to come across, Now, I appreciare the things I come across.

I acknowledge all the people. No soul is here on this earth without a purpose, so do not under estimate anybody.

well, the title of this blog is How to become spiritual?
Have you ever wondered what spitituality is?
Most of us think that it is for the aged.
Spiritualilty is nothing but emptying your desires, as simple as that.
Will write more.. keep looking for this blog....